
Reading, Pittsburgh at it Again

READING, PA. June 3, 1913 - For the majority of last season, it was Reading and Pittsburgh that were in the hunt for the Presidents Cup. This year, they're at it again.

Reading, at 32-22, is in first place but cannot get comfortable. Pittsburgh is one game back through fifty-four games.

Wash Teal, the star center fielder for Reading, is off to a slower start but is still playing very well for Reading. He's batting .302 and is on track to drive in 68 runs and hit 19 doubles.

In Pittsburgh, right fielder Ferdinand Witherspoon is leading by example. At 24-years-old, Witherspoon is getting better each month. Last year, he was quietly solid, hitting .290 with 64 RBIs. But this year, he's raised his average 30 points and is on track to drive in 75 tuns and have 200 total bases.

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